Reverse light on

Reverse light on



Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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So I was out in the car today...stationary at a roundabout, a guy in a van pulls alongside and says your reverse light is on with the brake light mate.

A little further investigation it seems that it is sometimes on or momentarily on when selecting first, or in first and lightly pushing forwards on the gear stick.
Anyone come across this before?



13,798 posts

268 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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Sounds to me like the switch has come loose in the gearbox.



2,615 posts

257 months

Saturday 18th September 2021
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Yes as above, switch either loose or needs adjustment


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Sunday 19th September 2021
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Thanks for the replies.
The Car will be laid up at the end of Oct I will get it on a ramp and have a look at that point.

Many thanks


Original Poster:

397 posts

112 months

Saturday 29th January 2022
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Been working on the car on and off for a couple of weekends.
Surprisingly or perhaps not....

One of the previous owners at some point rather than replace the reverse light switch decided to cut the wires and fashion a microswitch that got activated by the gear lever shaft when reverse is selected, however as you can imagine this is not a good solution, also the remote bolts were also loose, just some of many that I am finding (finger tight at the best), I did wonder why gears were hard to find sometimes. Any old how, any slight push of the gearstick left when in first gear activated the switch.

Onwards and upwards as they say. Keep plugging away.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Sunday 30th January 2022
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Yeah see if you can get an original one and reinstall.

When they are adjusted right they work perfectly, although many wedges I have seen have them badly adjusted.