


Original Poster:

3,792 posts

288 months

Saturday 14th July 2001
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Hello all Does anyone have any body panels for sale? As I''ve recently crashed me motor (front end, bonnet, spoiler) and I''m obviously after some bits. It''s a series 2 350i but I''m after a 400 bonnet any going spare? While I''m on here has anyone done anything about the air pick-up on a Wedge as I''m thinking about making a proper airbox with cold air supply etc. Ta Matt


30,572 posts

293 months

Monday 16th July 2001
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Tower View did a whole front end for Steve Heath, might be worth giving them a call. BTW I also have an air box with cold air supply, but only on a V8S not a wedge. Cheers, Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)
Hello all Does anyone have any body panels for sale? As I''ve recently crashed me motor (front end, bonnet, spoiler) and I''m obviously after some bits. It''s a series 2 350i but I''m after a 400 bonnet any going spare? While I''m on here has anyone done anything about the air pick-up on a Wedge as I''m thinking about making a proper airbox with cold air supply etc. Ta Matt