Injun ideas please
If one starts from the premises that John
Wayne was right and...........
"The only good Injun is a dead Injun"
Then I should be a very happy bunny this morning since the injun on my 400SE died on me over the weekend and in very suspicious circumstances. So, could any of you budding Inspector Cluesos out there suggest anything?
The symptoms were as follows....
Started her up fine, went 15 yards down the drive, pulled up to go back and lock the gates and as I put the handbrake on I heard a click from the fuse box/relay mounting area under the dash on the passenger side. A split second later the engine cut out and refused to restart. I've visual
checked all the fuses and relays in that area and they all look fine. The click incidentally sounded like a relay opening or closing as opposed to a fuse blowing.
Ideas on a post card please.....

"The only good Injun is a dead Injun"
Then I should be a very happy bunny this morning since the injun on my 400SE died on me over the weekend and in very suspicious circumstances. So, could any of you budding Inspector Cluesos out there suggest anything?
The symptoms were as follows....
Started her up fine, went 15 yards down the drive, pulled up to go back and lock the gates and as I put the handbrake on I heard a click from the fuse box/relay mounting area under the dash on the passenger side. A split second later the engine cut out and refused to restart. I've visual

Ideas on a post card please.....

as I put the handbrake on I heard a click from the fuse box/relay mounting area under the dash on the passenger side. A split second later the engine cut out and refused to restart
Your engine must be broken if you can hear a relay clicking!
>> Edited by GreenV8S on Monday 14th October 19:45
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