High Power Bulbs

High Power Bulbs



Original Poster:

44 posts

271 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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Anyone know if there is such thing as a high power brake light bulb replacements. If so can they be fitted to series 2 350 wedge?


6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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try www.novalighting.co.uk/autolamps.htm
they sell high powered brake light bulbs

worth a try

happy hunting


Original Poster:

44 posts

271 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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Cheers steve


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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There are limits to the size of bulb that should be used. Also think of your fellow driver who might get blinded when you hit the brakes and then runs into you. I hate people who use high intensity lights in the wet for the same reason.


My 350i

1,206 posts

276 months

Sunday 13th October 2002
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21 watts per light is the max legally allowed for brake lights, brighter bulbs can also melt the lens from inside cos of the extra heat.
As for the high intensity lights in the rain, wot about all the dickheads with front fog lights on all the time