450 seac or a 500 grif?????????????????

450 seac or a 500 grif?????????????????



Original Poster:

6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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hi all , im new on here, im looking to buy a tvr 450 seac but the price some are asking i could buy a 500 griff?. i like the wedge but almost 17 grand? ,let me know wot u all think

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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Wow. What a decision to make.

In terms of reliability, I feel neither will be more reliable than the other. Obviously, well maintained cars will go for a premium, and will have a provide longer life in the future. I wouldn't mess with cars that don't have at least a full service history (FSH) or TVRFSH. In terms of performance, I would slighty recommend a stock 500 over a stock 450 SEAC; 500 has a bit more horsepower, and slightly out-accelerates the 450 to 60 and 100 mph(I may get some flack there from some fellow PH'ers). In the short term, the depreciation of the Griffith will be less. But in long term valuation, I look for the cars to be about equal due to the rarity of the 450 (18 built, how many still survive?); many more than 18 Griff 500's built.

In the end, I think your decision will come down to the fact of styling (rounded Griff vs. angular Wedge).

Plenty of Griff 500's available now, very few of the 450 SEAC for sale these days. A year-and-a-half ago, I placed an offer of 16,500 on the 450 SEAC currently for sale in the Classifieds of PH. Bid was refused. I notice now, that it is still for sale and the price has dropped to 16,900 from the 20,000 starting price! It is a beatiful car.

If I ever am in the position to purchase a second TVR, a Griff 500 it will be.

Good Luck

Shawn Ford
450 SE


Original Poster:

6,034 posts

269 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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thanks for that shawn,guess i will have to go and check some out, but i do like the wedge, im half there i think lol, think ive seen a blue one somewhere.

shawn ford

102 posts

282 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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Also, I think the Griff front end is a near copycat of the Jag XKE -- that's just my 2p. I thought that the Wedge looked and still looks very innovative from a styling standpoint. I constantly have people in Germany thinking it is a new car when in actuality it is 12 years old. Since purchase, I have not seen another TVR on the road here, and German TVR shows usually attract 15 or 20 cars.

Shawn Ford


44 posts

271 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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The wedge profile is simply dramatic - but I also like the griff. I often get mixed feelings as I love my wedge but having got used to its power - the griff now beckons. The problem being which one.....!!!


36,010 posts

295 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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As for the profile, the SEAC tops it over a 400 I think. Alway liked the Griffith but that gland with Wedge all over it needed soothing......


1,068 posts

295 months

Friday 11th October 2002
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Steve, It really depends what you are after. If you have always wanted a wedge go for the SEAC. and its true what they say nothing sounds like a SEAC and in my experience that even includes other SEAC's I don't know where Nacnud's been for the past week or so but he could advise you on what to look for. You are guarranteed entry into an exclusive club.

However... Griffs are great cars I've had mine for a little over 18mths now and wouldn't swap it for anything, even after test driving Cerbies and a Tamora, oh and the Griffs a bit faster

Somewhere on Pistonheads is a vid file of 3 SEACs at duxford which is worth a watch.

Cheers Dan


164 posts

295 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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I'm biased but get a SEAC. Hold out pricewise for either a 420 or 450 they're both very capable. Take your time...

There is one for sale here on PH and it's in excellent condition - I saw it many years ago and it was immaculate - today it looks just as good in the picture.

As for a Griff - an award winning design without doubt - but everyone's got one Whereas the SEAC has such a presence and awesome noise and style.

Did I say I was biased...?

2 sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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Also slightly biast, I've owned 2 SEACs now have a Griffith, maybe temporarily, until i get another SEAC ? The SEAC will be a better investment IMO due to very low volume & racing heritage, the TVR that was banned in 96' for being too fast ! The Griffith is a very good package easier to drive has a bigger boot and probably the the most pure designed TVR. but there are loads of them. SEACs handle better, a bit controversial i know but this is the Wedge forum.
At present there aren't many SEAC's available for sale so difficult to make a proper accessment, probably only 1 or 2, 18 months ago there were at least 5. Big SEAC feature in Spint soon !
Oh and the Green one in the ads ( A5 EAC) is a good one.
if you need any help/ advice email me


970 posts

270 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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I was in a similar boat recently. I couldn't decide on an early Griff or a late Wedge. I tried both and after much contemplation I got a 400SE which I'm really pleased with. I felt the build of the 400 was much better than early Griffs I tried.

The only advise I can give is treat each car as an individual and have a good look round and a drive. You'll know which one you want then. The exterior looks are superficial once you get in it and drive it.


8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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hi all , im new on here, im looking to buy a tvr 450 seac but the price some are asking i could buy a 500 griff?. i like the wedge but almost 17 grand? ,let me know wot u all think

The Griff 500 will be faster, easier to maintain, is more civilised. The SEAC is different more expensive to look after as many of the bits are fast going and having to be remade but is a select car. Most of the SEACs have now been heavily modified which can make upkeep a bit harder.

Depends what you want it for.



8,507 posts

283 months

Saturday 12th October 2002
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hi all , im new on here, im looking to buy a tvr 450 seac but the price some are asking i could buy a 500 griff?. i like the wedge but almost 17 grand? ,let me know wot u all think

The Griff 500 will be faster, easier to maintain, is more civilised. The SEAC is different more expensive to look after as many of the bits are fast going and having to be remade but is a select car. Most of the SEACs have now been heavily modified which can make upkeep a bit harder.

Depends what you want it for.



Original Poster:

6,034 posts

269 months

Sunday 13th October 2002
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thanks u guys you have given me something to think about


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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The Duxford SEAC Video Dan mentioned is on the downloads page at www.tvrcc-bristol.co.uk

I like the Griff, but I wouldn't swap my SEAC for one

And there is nothing that sounds better than a SEAC..... Though the Cobras are coming next week and I may have to change my mind


21,562 posts

295 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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there is another for sale on the wedgepages :

TVR 450 SEAC for sale. Seal blue with blue leather. 32,000 miles with lots of history. 17" OZ racing split rims on 245/40ZR17 tyres. AVO coils over shocks. ACT performance products carbon fibre plenum and trumpets. A rare beast. £14,500 ono.
Also for sale a 420 / 240 SEAC rear boot spoiler in primer £100.

Contact: Lee Hodgkins
Email: lee@infiniti.fsbusiness.co.uk
Phone: 0121 7644477 (Day). 0121 2425134 (Eves). 07769 702602 (Mob)


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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Raw-SEWedge..... excellent username!!!!



856 posts

293 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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got the mesage ?



11,823 posts

295 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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If you don't want to stretch to that, I've still got the 460SE looking for a good home (and taking up garage space).


970 posts

270 months

Monday 14th October 2002
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wedg1e said: Raw-SEWedge..... excellent username!!!!


Cheers, don't stand down wind !


21,562 posts

295 months

Monday 25th November 2002
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Sorry Stainless .. it's now mine !!

and yes - it's better than a Griff 500...