EBC pads



Original Poster:

92 posts

271 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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has anybody tried EBC greenstuff pads with the original 350 Granada set up? are they as good as they claim?


3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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I run them in my 350 and for the money they were a definite improvement over the std Ferodo, work best when warmed up but still OK from cold. Much bigger improvemnt when I fitted them to the rear though.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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I'm surprised you noticed a difference when you changed the rears.

I have done over 20,000 miles in my 350 and the rear pads don't seem to have worn at all - and no the calipers are not seized (and the rear disks are still shiny). Therefore I am assuming they don't do much.

I have been through one set of pads at the front.
