Seats 280i (in the US)

Seats 280i (in the US)


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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I'm going to look at another 280i, the guy told me that it needs the seats re-doing and new carpets.
If I go to my local car upholstry shop the guy just says "bring it in, we'll fix you up" I'm sure he will!
He's not really willing to give any sort of price.
With 911s here it is up to $1000 a seat for recovering with leather and $500 for vinyl, many people buy a replacement sport seat that is period correct and sometimes one that was an actual option when the car was new. Cheaper way to go.
With a 280i in the US this is not such an easy option.
Are there any after market seats that "look right" in a 280i?
I'm trying to figure my cost to put the car into drivable condition. ie. I will bargain down the price from dealer, or of course not buy the car.
This will be the second one I have seen and there arn't many about.

Also is there any other leather in the 280i. If I get seats done what else has to be matched?

Any help greatly appreciated.

P Oxley

15 posts

276 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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Mazda Miata seats fit well, have the look of the period, give great support and are cheap. I paid $50. Cdn each for some used ones in great shape. They are way more comfortable than the original leather ones and do not get as hot in the sun. Some even come with headrest stereo speakers. Check out the internet for several websites with instructions on how to install them in Spitfires, MGBs etc.


273 posts

284 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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Anyone in the UK changed the seats in their wedge for MX5 ones? I've only ever seen a wedge with some bucket seats - which looked pretty good, but probably expensive to buy. The option of a 2nd hand set from a scrappy appeals to me as mine are a bit tatty looking.


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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I think the seats in the 280i are specific to the car and did not come from any other "donor" vehicle. I have heard (and stand to be corrected)that seats from the Pontiac Fierro will fit.




86 posts

279 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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has anyone considered swapping w/ racing/sport seats, like seen on they make a nice looking seat and are alot cheeper than raccaros


6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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I remember reading that Pontiac seats fit in a wedge.

Toby Noble

107 posts

277 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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Also is there any other leather in the 280i. If I get seats done what else has to be matched?

Jeff, my '84 280i has leather dash, underdash, centre console, door tops and bottoms and rear shelf surrounds.

I have Ambla (velvety cloth)to door inserts and seat centres ( & headrest fronts) I've been quoted $800 australian to swap all Ambla to automotive leather and replace leather gearstick and handbrake shrouds, or half that to replace with cloth. Matching the camel colour will be a swine so I'm leaning towards an off white (same colour as my keyboard actually...)What else can I do with dark brown(!)carpets...?

Good luck.


47 posts

276 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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Jeff, attend the Woodwork show sunday the 13 th, of Round Valley State park N.J. This is the USA National TVRCCNA Annual show. There will be lots to see including pontiac fiero seats installed in a 280I. See you there, Gary RED 3000s


47 posts

276 months

Tuesday 8th October 2002
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Jeff, attend the Woodwork show sunday the 13 th, of Round Valley State park N.J. This is the USA National TVRCCNA Annual show. There will be lots to see including pontiac fiero seats installed in a 280I. See you there, Gary RED 3000s


681 posts

273 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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As Gary put it, come on out this weekend for Out of the Woodwork 2002 in New Jersey and look around. Also, when I had the seats in my Tasmin redone a few years ago, I bought a hide of top quality leather and had an upholstery shop do the seats, headrests, and door panels plus contrasting piping on the seats for approximately $600 for everything(including leather).
I have also heard for years that the Pontiac Fiero seats fit in the wedges and as has also been mentioned, the Miata seats can work as well. It should not be difficult to get the situation handled for a reasonable outlay of cash.

jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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This is a pretty good board!
I was sort of hoping for a reply or two.
Thanks to you all.

Was that an East or West coast shop where you got your tasmin done.

Thanks again


26,901 posts

276 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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has anyone considered swapping w/ racing/sport seats, like seen on they make a nice looking seat and are alot cheeper than raccaros

Just don't go for too deep a bucket, as climbing over the side is a pain, in the Wedge. Also it will eventually roll the foam padding off the frame (I know from experience!)
I've had a couple of wedge seats repaired by local car uholstery places; these were simple seam repairs though I imagine ripped vinyl or leather would be more involved. Think I paid about GBP40 for two seats last time.
