Any other 350i Sports??

Any other 350i Sports??



Original Poster:

64 posts

57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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An interesting one...

Does anyone else have a 350i Sport?

It was an option that TVR gave to dealers and unless you have a bill of sale or take the car apart it’s probably impossible to tell....

I have the bill of sale for mine stating it’s a 225 sport.

I’ve attached the tuning data TVR gave for it - more or less the only technical info the factory handed out.


Original Poster:

64 posts

57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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3,443 posts

135 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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I've heard of a few Wedges that from new had the more powerful claimed 225bhp engine but never heard it referred to as a Sport, it was just one of the options. Was the power increase merely head and camshaft work or was the capacity also increased?


21,549 posts

294 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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On my bill of sale invoice it says it has the solid lifter option.
£1200 in 1989.


Original Poster:

64 posts

57 months

Thursday 29th October 2020
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TVR ......

So I got the build sheet for mine and in the notes it just has “spares” totalling just shy of £1900

From what I’ve heard a “kit” was delivered with the car for the dealership to fit or have fitted by an approved specialist.

The dealer receipt states the 225 engine, bigger brakes, dust shields and an alarm.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 28th July 2022
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Maybe it was for export to Australia. "A 350i, sport!"


10,677 posts

235 months

Thursday 28th July 2022
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'Handling Pack' - biggrin