headlamp (not the usual) poser ..
Guys, looking for advice regarding the headlamp pod. There is a cylindrical piece of metal about 3/4" diameter and 2.5" long attached to the front of the pod at the bottom on each headlamp. My problem is that this fouls the wiring from the front indicators and sidelights. I know removing this object would solve this problem (it is only attached to the pod with 2 small screws + nuts). I would like to know what they are there for before I remove them though. Anyone know? I'm guessing they're either a counterbalance or end-stop. 

I don't think it's an end-stop as such; the link rod from the motor unit should take care of limiting the pod travel. The 'stop' is a chunk of rubber that should butt up against the underside of the nose cone and damp any vibration from the engine and also the airflow, which would make the headlamps flicker, fracture GRP etc etc. ;-)
You should be able to tie the wiring harness back out of the way, though if non-standard sidelamps have been fitted, the cables may be exiting too close to the headlamp.
You should be able to tie the wiring harness back out of the way, though if non-standard sidelamps have been fitted, the cables may be exiting too close to the headlamp.
thanks for the replies. i guess I need to keep these bumpstops (they might actually be tough old rubber as they were very inflexible when I prodded them with a screwdriver), Repositioning them slightly might solve my problem, although I might have to remove the pods (and the bonnet?) to do that - sounds too much like hard work
I dont know if the side/indicator light is non standard or not, it is a Cibie part. There are 2 bullet shaped brass connectors protruding from each sidelight cluster, to which the wiring should connect (using the female equivalent of a bullet). This damper on the pod knocks the connectors off the sidelights when the pods are raised. I might retry soldering a new piece of wire on to the light cluster and exit it to the side rather than back like the connector is.

I dont know if the side/indicator light is non standard or not, it is a Cibie part. There are 2 bullet shaped brass connectors protruding from each sidelight cluster, to which the wiring should connect (using the female equivalent of a bullet). This damper on the pod knocks the connectors off the sidelights when the pods are raised. I might retry soldering a new piece of wire on to the light cluster and exit it to the side rather than back like the connector is.
Removing the pods is very easy, the trick is to locate which relay on your car controls the lift motor (1/side) then remove the relay when the headlmaps lifted to avoid leaving the headlamps on. Then unscrew the headlamp surround and headlamp bowl, everything is then accessible as opposed to working thru the access hole under the car.
And the other huys are right these bits your're talking about are end stops to stop the headlmpas wobbling over bumps, very annoying to other road users.
And the other huys are right these bits your're talking about are end stops to stop the headlmpas wobbling over bumps, very annoying to other road users.
You can also remove the fuses once the pods are up, from the fusebox in the glove compartment (although any TVR owner wearing gloves should be shot on sight in my opinion! It's only one step further to start wearing a flat cap):-)
Oh and the rubber bump stops are made from a bit of car water pipe by the way!
Oh and the rubber bump stops are made from a bit of car water pipe by the way!
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