does any one know what the pads and discs on the 350 are from, i have been told that they are landrover and granada??
Fronts are Granada on my '85 pre A frame 350 and the rears are from a Jag XJS.
my discs on the front are solid , do you think they are of a 2.8 granada? if so i will just go through an autofactor.
Sunday 6th October 2002
Standard solid front discs are Granny parts, easily sourced from factors.
front pads girling gdb693 granada mk11 2.3 v6
front calipers girling granada mk11 2.3 v6
front discs unipart gbd109 granada mk11 2.3 v6
front flexible hoses granada mk11 2.3 v6
Hope that helps
thank you, a great help much appreicated.
Sunday 6th October 2002
If your're changing discs and calipers anyway why not go for the 2.8 Granny vented type? They will just bolt on with only minor mods to the back plate and are much better brakes.
I was thinking of doing this. What are the minor modificatons to the back plate?
Have you had a look at there is an artical on upgrading the front brakes on a wedge to Granada vented disks and Princess 4 pot calipers. If you don't want to go to the expense of the Princess calipers then you could use the calipers from a 2.8 Granada with the vented disks. I don't think it is possible to space the existing calipers to suit the vented disk, but I may be wrong. I don't thing any mods are required to the back plate when using the Granada bits. You will need to grind some off to fit the Princess Calipers. Or ditch the back plates altogether, cooling will be better but you will get more brake dust around the wheels.
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