OZ split rims repolshing

OZ split rims repolshing


Ian V

Original Poster:

1,817 posts

279 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Can anyone out there recommend a company who can carry out refurbishment of these wheels, and approx costs.

Thanks Ian


14,945 posts

281 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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I was told that you have to send them back to OZ - and it costs BIG MONEY for a full refurb.
If they' re just dull you can polish them up with lots of elbow power and some Autosol. If the bolts have gone manky I think there's someone on PH that can get replacements at a couple of squid per bolt. (
I actually refinished mine (the bolts) with a mixture of silver and gray hammerite VERY carefully applied with a small brush. Looks very good, and you really cannot tell unless you know exactly what the original finish was.

Bent or mangled probably means return to OZ.

Hope that helps

Andy 400se

>> Edited by andymadmak on Friday 4th October 15:31

>> Edited by andymadmak on Friday 4th October 15:32


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Tower View Race Services have the tools to split them. Call them on 0208 452 6922.
