Spotted !! Mr Broadside COME ON DOWN !!

Spotted !! Mr Broadside COME ON DOWN !!


nick heppinstall

Original Poster:

8,363 posts

291 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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Hi Nigel that just had to be you this morning ? Been to Wedge for summat ? Spill the beans then !! Sounded awsome pulling up Corporation Street. Shame that it wasn't an easier spot to stop for a chat .....


856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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Where did you see me ? I have not used the wedge for a week or so, due to boring family commitments. Last time I was in Sheffield was last tuesday in my Ford Galaxy, which sounds far from awesome but quite readily spins its wheels in the wet around roudabouts. Understeer is so boring !!!!

Unless someone has nicked my car ?? I'll just go check the garage ...........

