Any one else had a wierd e-mail from wedgemaster

Any one else had a wierd e-mail from wedgemaster



Original Poster:

122 posts

283 months

Saturday 28th September 2002
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Hi All I just got a weird e-mail from, offering a virus protection download, but it contained a virus its self. I have e-mailed mike, the host of the Wedge Forum. Incase its a virus in his system, but sometimes a Kleaze type virus will infect a system and use e-mail address from the address book as the 'From' section. So keep your wits about you guys.

>>> Edited by mild2wild on Saturday 28th September 11:35


2,190 posts

280 months

Saturday 28th September 2002
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Mike, MIKE !


2,869 posts

293 months

Sunday 29th September 2002
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Hi chaps,

It wasn't me! - I got a Macintosh, I know these ain't immune to some of the nastier viruses but I have checked my system and it all seems ok.

I know occasionally I send out weird e-mails but this time it wasn't me.

I would like to get to the bottom of this though. Nacnud have I 'sent' one to you as well???.


>> Edited by mikeb on Sunday 29th September 23:42


70 posts

294 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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Hi chaps,

It wasn't me! - I got a Macintosh,

I know occasionally I send out weird e-mails but this time it wasn't me.


Me thinks he doth protest to loud


76,764 posts

283 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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This is almost certainly the Klez virus, and one of the things it does is spoof the "from" address so it looks like with came from someone else. It does this by picking the email address from the infected machine's address book.

Click here for more information


2,190 posts

280 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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Mike, no I didn't get any unexpected email from you, though there is a lot of this sort of thing going around at the moment. I've received quite a few unexpected/infected emails from people I know in different social circles.

I was kind of concerened because I suspect a virus could cause havoc if one did get into your system. I guess your email address book must be huge.

Earlier this year an infected email even got past my Norton anti-virus. The definition was too new to have been detected. That was a scary few days waiting to see if anything nasty would happen.


111 posts

273 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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Hi chaps,
It wasn't me! - I got a Macintosh,

Of course this would explain how come the Wedge Pages look so good.