octane boost additive

octane boost additive


paul dacosta

Original Poster:

22 posts

274 months

Friday 27th September 2002
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my 350 has started to pink on 95 u/l when previously it was quite happy.the engine has been tuned adjusted and is spot on.. new plugs,new leads,no overheating,so i've the symtom,but no cause.i'm going to put some paint stripper of a fuel cleaner in and see if this improves.so if no improvement can anyone advise on a good octane boost?


6,025 posts

294 months

Saturday 28th September 2002
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my 350 has started to pink on 95 u/l when previously it was quite happy.the engine has been tuned adjusted and is spot on.. new plugs,new leads,no overheating,so i've the symtom,but no cause.i'm going to put some paint stripper of a fuel cleaner in and see if this improves.so if no improvement can anyone advise on a good octane boost?

yes .. super unleaded ... or shell optimax .
you could always pop over to Silverstone ... teh garage just outside the track used to sell 100 octane fuel ! hows that for an octane boost ?