anybody fancy a brand new brushed aluminium dash??

anybody fancy a brand new brushed aluminium dash??



Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Friday 27th September 2002
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I am investigating the possiblilty of having an aluminium / carbonfibre dash CNC machined for my 400SE to replace the old wood trim thats looking a bit tatty. Amy dad owns a CNC machining company this shouldn't hopfully be a problem to get a bargain priced new dash!

If anyone else is interested then please reply, and if I get enough interest then I'll will go ahead and get the pattern designed.

PS Hi dunc (450SEAC) and D4N (grif500) hope you had a great time at donnington

Stu Turner (blue 1990 400SE)


1,196 posts

274 months

Sunday 29th September 2002
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Hi Stu, I would be intrested in the Aluminium dash providing the price is right of course!

I have a 400 and was thinking of replacing the wood with a brushed Aluminium alternative.Keep me posted with the details or e-mail.

Cheers, Andy.


26,476 posts

269 months

Saturday 5th October 2002
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Hi Stu,
Got fed up with old tatty wood so have been looking for some engine turned ally to make my own. As an interim I have covered dash, glove box and switch panel with kevlar sticky back plastic (ala Blue Peter and just as naf)!! Would love to have one cos it would save me a lot of drilling and filing. keep me informed.
Mines a 350
