Noisy back end

Noisy back end



Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Thursday 26th September 2002
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I've just bought a 400SE and love it!
However there is a lot of noise from the rear other than the exhaust (which is wonderful ). I'm putting it down to the diff at the moment as it is an LSD but
it sounds like someone running a piece of wire wool round a metal disk!
I've heard that LSD's are noisier but are they really this noisy ?


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 26th September 2002
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Well bought. All you need now is a spare tanker
Anyhow, rubbing pads? Out of adjustment manual arrestor device?


Original Poster:

970 posts

270 months

Thursday 26th September 2002
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Funny thing about petrol is it seems to take longer to put it in than it does to get rid of it !!

I had my suspicions about the brakes too as the noise is just like something rubbing on the disks.

Will get it up in the air and look at the brakes after I get back from Holiday. Going away for a week tomorrow but really just want to stay at home and play TVR !! Think I would rather have spent holiday money on new toy but don't think the other half would have seen it my way !!


21,561 posts

295 months

Thursday 26th September 2002
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it's got inboard 'Jag' disc's - my mates 400se
had a similar problem - he took them off and had
to replace them completely. Got them from a jag
breakers pretty cheaply and just added some high
performance pads (EBC green stuff).

It's a horrible job to get to them though...


2,505 posts

294 months

Friday 27th September 2002
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depending on exhaust arrangement make sure it isn't the over axle pipe rubbing on the drive shaft.....Not speaking from experience of course


205 posts

277 months

Friday 27th September 2002
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Agree with earlier post - sounds like your rear discs/caliper.

Could be the handbrake caliper - try driving the car with handbrake on for a short distance - worked with mine when a small stone was lodged between the handbrake pads.

If you are looking to replace/strip the caliper and discs it's a major (like £700+) job!!!!


349 posts

287 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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poppycock! you could get a pair of discs and calipers 2nd hand from any jaguar specialist for a fraction of that cost,Just check out any copy of practical classics magazine.
And No, the diff should not be noisy at all.
Silly question but have you checked the diff oil level?? (although its too late now if its grinding!)
I think i agree with the earlier posts,Check the hydraulic pads and the separate handbrake pads to make sure they're releasing properly

Agree with earlier post - sounds like your rear discs/caliper.

Could be the handbrake caliper - try driving the car with handbrake on for a short distance - worked with mine when a small stone was lodged between the handbrake pads.

If you are looking to replace/strip the caliper and discs it's a major (like £700+) job!!!!


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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£700. ouch.
Not that much.


12,668 posts

291 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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£700. ouch.
Not that much.

I suppose a lot depends on the hourly rate being paid, but 700 sounds way to much.


14,945 posts

281 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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The Diff on my 1991 400se is noisy when making tight turns or manouvering when hot. It sort of groans and moans! (Bit like the missus!) You can even feel it lock up when trying to park and it makes things very jumpy at the back (lucky its only at 5 mph) - its just like driving an old Landie in 4wd with diffs locked on tarmac.
GKN rebuilt it a couple of years back and told me that this was typical of the type. Apparently it's something to do with the LSD mechanism being a bit tight for such a light car (the diffs were intended for use in Jags)
I also get some high speed vibes that have proved impossible to eradicate entirely, - not even a comprehensive arse end rebuild by Wedge this summer sorted it completely. -Again, it's something to do with the LSD according to GKN.
I'm also told by a buddy who worked at Jaguar between 88 and 93 that Jag stopped using LSDs for a while cos the original GKN design introduced with the XJ40 range was prone to noise and vibes. NOT something you want in yer waftmobile.
Andy 400se


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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£700. ouch.
Not that much.

I suppose a lot depends on the hourly rate being paid, but 700 sounds way to much.

Wait until you do it... It can be the job from hell and may involve welding six foot lengths of rod to nuts to get them off...

New callipers can be about £150 each so it is highish but chcek exactly what they are going to do. The first time round I did it it would have cost close to £2000 @ £50 an hour... nothing wanted to come off!



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 1st October 2002
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Done it, but don't recall that much, calipers replaced as well. I might be wrong.
None LSD mind

>> Edited by jmorgan on Tuesday 1st October 10:46


205 posts

277 months

Wednesday 2nd October 2002
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Only being realistic on the price, I've had 2 quotes to have the work done, consisting of;

New Grooved Discs
Refurbish Calipers and Seals
Replace Pads
Labour @ £50 per hour (it's a big job so recon on 6-8 hours).

All in, including VAT, is around £700.

If someone can do the job for much less then let me know - as for getting the job done with scrap parts....get real.


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 3rd October 2002
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Only being realistic on the price, I've had 2 quotes to have the work done, consisting of;

New Grooved Discs
Refurbish Calipers and Seals
Replace Pads
Labour @ £50 per hour (it's a big job so recon on 6-8 hours).

All in, including VAT, is around £700.

If someone can do the job for much less then let me know - as for getting the job done with scrap parts....get real.

Bloody hell .. call peninsula, they only charge £25 - 35 per hour.

even if the parts are the same price .. you'll half the labour costs.