US 280i Rear Springs? Help!

US 280i Rear Springs? Help!



Original Poster:

1 posts

282 months

Monday 2nd July 2001
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I have a 1987 US model 280i in excellent running condition with a slight exception. The springs on the vehicle are in very poor condition I have secured front springs, however, I do not know what type of rear springs are appropriate for this model. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Brm Brm

217 posts

283 months

Tuesday 3rd July 2001
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Sorry I cant give you an answer myself but you could try the Tasmin alternative parts list at or if that doesnt help I suggest you try Richard at Wedge Automotive - follow the TVR - PARTS link from the pistonheads homepage for details. I know he does a range of standard and uprated springs for wedges. Regards Russ


Original Poster:

1 posts

282 months

Tuesday 3rd July 2001
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Thank you so much for your help Brm Brm. It is apprciated.