Squeaky right hander...

Squeaky right hander...



Original Poster:

2,869 posts

292 months

Sunday 1st July 2001
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The car has developed a repeating squeak when the car is turned right. The noise goes when straightened or the opposite lock is applied. Have I got a mouse stuck under the wheel arch or is something coming amiss?? wheel bearings, PAS rack??? ''89 350i with PAS. MIke Mica Blue 350i


1 posts

283 months

Monday 2nd July 2001
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I have the EXACT same problem with my US 280i. It's going into the shop this week to be checked re: the "squeaking" - I'll let you know what I find out.


3,798 posts

289 months

Monday 2nd July 2001
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You might want to check the condition of the lower front balljoint, mine used to make squeaks and groans only in one direction right up until the upright fell off one day. If the rubber boots split in any way, chances are the joints b#ggered, you'll find it difficult to detect any wear by jacking it up and wobbling the wheel as its all held in tension by the spring and you'd have to be Arnie to be able to feel anything agianst that kind of load. Cheap insurance against diaster really fortunatly for me, mine only happened at 30mph but it could have just as easily gone at 70Mph. Matt Edited by 350matt on Monday 2nd July 17:53


Original Poster:

2,869 posts

292 months

Wednesday 4th July 2001
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Have done some investigation and it seems to be a build up of rust crud on the outer rim of the brake disk. I have cleaned the build up off with a file and it seems to have cured the noise. I suppose the right hand anti roll bar bracket missing did not help either!! How did you get on with your 280i Mikeag?? Mike Mica Blue 350i