Need TVR Help In California....

Need TVR Help In California....



Original Poster:

2 posts

270 months

Wednesday 25th September 2002
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Greetings Everyone....

I have a 1986 280i Tasmin.....I can't find any place that knows how to work on my car(that I trust)...and I can't find any place that sells parts in the U.S.
There was one place called "Gene's" in Pittsburg,Pennsylvania...but I can't contact him anymore, he may have went out of business.
If anyone can help....please it will be Deeply appreciated.


24 posts

277 months

Wednesday 25th September 2002
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Suggest you start with the president of the TVR Car Club of North America - Marshall Moore - . He's also a Wedge owner and should be able to point you in the right direction.

P Oxley

15 posts

276 months

Wednesday 25th September 2002
quotequote all
Try Gene Bird at Classic Motor Works in Johnstown Pa. email:


681 posts

273 months

Wednesday 25th September 2002
quotequote all
I believe you said you are in California......try
contacting Southwest Regional Officer for the club
Bill Sanford at He may be able
to suggest some shops for you in your region.
If you don't have any luck there, contact me at and I'll go to plan 'B'.


Original Poster:

2 posts

270 months

Wednesday 25th September 2002
quotequote all
Thank You.....
mchapman...........P Oxley.........and Tasmin83,,,,for the speedy response...
i will do as you all have suggested