Airflow meter needed

Airflow meter needed



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Sunday 22nd September 2002
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Hi all,
It appears that my engine problem is something to do with a dodgy airflow meter. I'm going to get my injectors cleaned too, just for good measure. But my next challenge is to find an airflow meter for a 350i. Does anybody know where to start looking? Better still, does anybody have one to sell?
Apparently there is a chance that one or two new injectors may be needed too, so any ideas there would be welcome.

Mark Adams

356 posts

271 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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It's difficult to do this without blatant advertising, but supply is no problem (e-mail for deatils).
However, are you really sure it is your airflow meter? In the last 14 years I've personally only seen four dead ones...


1,844 posts

278 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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I agree with Mark, when i had problems with my 350i i took it too a rolling road and we discovered that when the previous owner had had an ECU problem the airflow meter had been f**ked about with and had not been re set correctly. An hour or so on the rolling road playing with the spring in the top and all was well again.
Good luck


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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I'm pretty sure that the airflow meter is to blame, mostly because it wasn't me that checked it (I left it to the professionals). When it goes over 3500 rpm it goes weird, otherwise it's OK.
Luckily another wedger has come to the rescue with a spare airflow meter. I'll let you know if there are any complications.


629 posts

278 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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What sort off problems are you having? My Tasmin 350 also 'feels weird' over 3000ish rpm. It feels like it's holding back/not reving as freely. Adjusting the mixture helps a bit but doesn't cure it. Any replies need to be in plain English, I'm completey useless with engines.

Thanks Gavin and 350i