400/450 SE bits

400/450 SE bits


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Saturday 21st September 2002
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Hello PHer's

After unsuccessfully trying to glue the flimsy plastic trim piece around the ashtray on my 450 SE, I have decided to replace it. Also, I want to replace the clutch pedal pad. Does anyone know the source manufacturer for these parts, or are they TVR specific?

Thank you

Shawn Ford
450 SE


1,323 posts

278 months

Sunday 22nd September 2002
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Hi Shawn,

As far as I am aware, nobody seems to know where the ashtrays come from. But just about everybody would like to replace them with something less crappy.

as discussed on...

I'm currently talking with Karl Cordwell (450SEAC) who makes aluminium bits for big wedges. He says that amongst other things he is looking at developing an aluminium replacement.

If enough people ask him he may move it up on his "things to do list".

If you want them - Email me and I'll send you Karl's contact details.



26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 22nd September 2002
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Smoking in a Wedge? Sacriledge! Bin the ashtrays, and use the space for something more useful... a knicker-elastic dispenser, say...



856 posts

293 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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I use my ashtray as a mobile phone holder. The phone does not move around and it is ideally placed for making those regular calls to the AA.


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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Hey guys

Thanks for the uuhhh . . . humor. No smoking in my car whatsoever. Just had a cracked trim piece that I ended up using plastic filler, and paint to fix. It really came out great, and can't tell it was ever damaged. Now, to hunt down that clutch pedal pad.


Shawn Ford
450 SE


833 posts

273 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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there is a 420 in a scrap yard near me (although it could be a 350 that has been messed about with) mail me if you need bits.


6,025 posts

294 months

Monday 23rd September 2002
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Hi Shawn,

As as discussed on...

I'm currently talking with Karl Cordwell (450SEAC) who makes aluminium bits for big wedges.

I just bought a load of stuff from Karl too. I put a list into the letter with his cheque of stuff that I am looking for too.
List includes

Surround for radio and heater vents
replacement door catches with nice alloy ones ... (incidently, my Volvo has nickle plated ones, shiney but a dark tint to them ... they look good