Is anyone elses fuel gauge all over the place

Is anyone elses fuel gauge all over the place



Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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My fuel guage fluctuates constantly. It can go down by a quarter of a tank and then just go back up agian, so I never realy know how much juice is left. Also it will only fill up to 3/4 full on the dail? any thoughts?


111 posts

273 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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They all do that mate
Seriously, the TVR fuel guage is the least accurate I have ever seen. Your best bet is to do figure out by your mileage. I can't because my speedo is out of action, so I'm always three quarters filling my tank, just in case. Otherwise park on a flat road and wait a couple of minutes to settle.
I'm not sure about it not going all the way to the top though. Probably just a unique feature to your car!


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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Mine does that around bends, up hills etc, is that what you mean?. Some makers have better damping than others if you get my drift.
Sod to top off due to the small pipe between the 2 tanks. Have to wait a while at the pump to settle. I never let it go below 1/4. I have seen it in the red but at the rate mine drinks it its the 1/4 I look for a fresh supply.
Sure someone else drinks more


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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My fuel guage fluctuates constantly. It can go down by a quarter of a tank and then just go back up agian, so I never realy know how much juice is left. Also it will only fill up to 3/4 full on the dail? any thoughts?

Blocked swirl tank or interconnecting pipe between the two tanks if it is accurate or pan-dimensional fuel gauge that doesn't quite know what reality is. Standard fit !


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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I always work on the basis that when the needle stops bouncing, there is no fuel left.

Out of interest what is the most fuel anyone has managed to get in their wedge? I have never run out but from memeory it is just over 43l.


3,799 posts

290 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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I've run mine out before and it took something like 53 ltrs to fill it, a rule of thumb I use is when the needle has stopping moving altogether, there's about another 2 gallon left / 30 miles to go which still allows for a reasonable safety margin.



6,025 posts

294 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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Used to get no more than 35 litres in at any one time.
filling up involved rocking the car to getthe fuel to leave the filler pipe.
Peninsula replaced all the fuel lines with bigger bore ones, and replaced the filter and swirl pot.
Now I get 45 litres no problem, and the possibility of an extra 5 litres if I rock the car.
I also carry an extra 10 litres in the boot to extend my range.
Typical range on one tank is 225 - 250 miles ( managed 300 when cruising through france 2 years ago, but that was taking it easy )


1,223 posts

271 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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I ran completely dry - left it to sit overnight on the chance something would drain back - still dry in the morning and then it only took 36 liters, including waiting and shaking during the filling.

I understand blocked transfer hoses effecting the ability to fill both tanks but since the swirl pot and filter appear to be downstream of the tanks, would changing them have any effect on getting the full 49-50 liters in?

Thanks Grady


6,025 posts

294 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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I think in my case the connecting breather was kinked .. this the tanks took a long time to equilibriate.
I upgraded to bigger hoses to solve the problem.
The swirl and filter were changed as a matter of course


1,223 posts

271 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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I shouldn't ask this without looking first but I want to get mine sorted out and so while we are on this thread...

I'm with you all on blocked or kinked hoses casusing problems but assuming that the interconnecting hoses slip over and clamp down on fixed nipple(s) coming off the tanks... how do you fit "bigger" hoses? Grady


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 19th September 2002
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I thought the Wedges had 2 tanks each of 6.5 gallons, which is (ahem) 13 gallons or as near as dammit 60 litres.
Now I'm a complete skinflint, so there's no way my TVR has ever had full tanks while I've owned it
Jason: when you say 'cruising' through France, is there something you aren't telling us?



6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 19th September 2002
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Jason: when you say 'cruising' through France, is there something you aren't telling us?


Cruisin' ... you know 80mph, boot full of Wine & hardcore Euro P0rn, Good tunes on the radio and that V8 growl as a backing track


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 19th September 2002
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I'm with you all on blocked or kinked hoses casusing problems but assuming that the interconnecting hoses slip over and clamp down on fixed nipple(s) coming off the tanks... how do you fit "bigger" hoses? Grady

Sorry, I should have qualified my first posting.
I have increased the diameter of the host that has been used. I had a new set of tanks fitted, with larger diameter npples


1,223 posts

271 months

Thursday 19th September 2002
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Gotcha, Thanks

Notice I didn't ask about the new tanks, some things are better not known!)


4 posts

270 months

Monday 30th September 2002
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My fuel gauge fluctuates a lot too. However if you connect the seat belt it sometimes registers normally? . Why I don't know, possibly an electrical/earthing problem. When it gets to a 1/4, I re-fill just to be safe. I know that doesn't help you, but it maybe an electrical problem.