Headlight for 400SE

Headlight for 400SE



Original Poster:

11 posts

78 months

Wednesday 1st August 2018
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Anyone have any idea where the rectangular headlights on a 400 came from, or where I can get a replacement lens ? Many thanks


18,591 posts

175 months

Wednesday 1st August 2018
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I did hear that they were from an SE Metro...Although I cannot confirm as I dont own a 400SE....(Yet)...smile


1,973 posts

222 months

Wednesday 1st August 2018
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Hoopy400 said:
Anyone have any idea where the rectangular headlights on a 400 came from, or where I can get a replacement lens ? Many thanks
is it broken or because the shiney bit has corroded


Original Poster:

11 posts

78 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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Silvering is fine and the lens is intact. Car failed MOST due to beam pattern on N/S light. Cannot see a problem with the lens, but the beam pattern is off


Original Poster:

11 posts

78 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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1,196 posts

273 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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Can you not change the beam pattern using the headlight adjusters? To be honest they are not the best but it made a difference to mine at the MOT.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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Maybe try cleaning it?


Original Poster:

11 posts

78 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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Unfortunately the lens is really clean. Wish it were that simple. Can’t even see what the problem with the lens is. Even the garage is stumped. May have to try to find some similar size lights and make up a new mounting plate.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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Maybe the bulb is a bit squiffy, the focus very much depends on the positioning of the filament.
Try a new bulb?


377 posts

270 months

Thursday 2nd August 2018
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If the lens is ok and the reflector is ok, then surely it must be the bulb


1,486 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd August 2018
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I'm not sure about being metro, they look more like delorean ???


1,486 posts

214 months

Friday 3rd August 2018
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18,591 posts

175 months

Friday 3rd August 2018
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Just dont tell them about the ashtrays...biggrin

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Friday 3rd August 2018
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That reminds me - I must get a new flux capacitor for my points....


18,591 posts

175 months


1,973 posts

222 months

Saturday 4th August 2018
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If it’s clean and not damaged try a new bulb not a cheap one get a lucus or ring I find it a lot when testing have to move bulbs around or change them


106 posts

294 months

Sunday 5th August 2018
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I have a 400. They are not metro. They are Renault/Jeep fitment Valeo part no 082397/2370013 and I think this is with or without sidelight variation.


106 posts

294 months

Friday 10th August 2018
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I can confirm the Valeo unit 5270013 will fit but has a sidelight hole.

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Tuesday 27th October 2020
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Has anyone tried LED equivalents?

These ones look promising:


then even have an "E" mark on them, for what it's worth....


21,549 posts

294 months

Wednesday 28th October 2020
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They dont look great ..

I think Jason converted his headlights ..