Piper cross "Viper" Carbon fibire air filter

Piper cross "Viper" Carbon fibire air filter



Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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Piper cross "Viper" Carbon fibire air filter, will it fit on the wedge, mines a 400SE and has the K&N filter fitted already but these filters shield the air from the heat of the engine bay.

Any info?


76,756 posts

283 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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I don't know about the PiperCross one, but I have been very seriously considering the BMC Carbon Dynamic Airbox (CDA) for my Corrado for a while now.

More info here and here.

Basically a cone air filter with venturi effect enclosed in a carbon fibre housing for heat shielding and ducted ambient air from the outside for a mild ram-air effect.


46,645 posts

286 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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Designed for the Lotus 340R initially... designed to help keep the air cool from the heat of the engine bay (hence the use of carbon fibre).

Quite expensive... £200-250... but apprently quite good.. loud too. Best bet is to contact PiperCross direct - I've always found them to be very helpful.


76,756 posts

283 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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loud too.
That's my problem. My current PiperCross induction kit is too loud and gives the missus a headache - quite literally.

I really want something that is as quiet as a standard airbox but as free-breathing as an induction kit. The CDA might fit that bill, but I know the PiperCross unit won't because I've heard it is pretty loud as you say.

Still, it might be what yakduzi is looking for.


30,635 posts

295 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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I don't know about the PiperCross one, but I have been very seriously considering the BMC Carbon Dynamic Airbox (CDA) for my Corrado for a while now.

More info here and here.

Basically a cone air filter with venturi effect enclosed in a carbon fibre housing for heat shielding and ducted ambient air from the outside for a mild ram-air effect.

Getting a good cold air supply is very important, but don't pay too much attention to any claims about 'ram air' or 'venturi effects'.


8,507 posts

283 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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The standard K&N is about as free breathing as you can get for a Wedge. The problem is sourcing the cold air which ideally should be from the bottom of the windscreen but is blocked by the bonnet. Air scoops in the front are a possibility but there is a risk of hydraulicing the engine in deep puddles or flooded water.



76,756 posts

283 months

Wednesday 18th September 2002
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Air scoops in the front are a possibility but there is a risk of hydraulicing the engine in deep puddles or flooded water.
This is a constant worry on the Chimaera. There is at least one owner who has experienced this (I'm presuming you mean the act of filling your cylinders with water instead of air).

To be honest, this and the cost (£175) is what has put me off the BMC CDA on the Corrado up to now.