Wheel centre badges
I had this problem on my old 400SE when the badge disappeared leaving the hubcap in place. A 'temporary' solution that worked for me was to take a decent photocopy of a 'good' centre, put it through a plastic laminating machine and cut it out! Attached with araldite you didn't notice the difference unless you were looking for it, and it was still in place a year later when I sold the car.
That sounds a bit 'heath Robinson' for me, but a good idea no less.
The rims are a bit scuffed as well and I was thinking of changing the rims all together for something a bit newer looking.
I was looking through the pages of an old sprint and come across a pic of a 350i with what looked like Griffith 5 spoke OZ wheels.
If I am going to look for replacements is there anything I need to look out for in particular?? - the correct 'off set' for instance (whatever that is??).
Mica Blue 350i
I haven't tried Autographix yet, but apparently TVR produced several different sizes. and the size that fitted mine is no longer stocked.
In the meantime, another wedge owner has came up with a better idea which I shall be putting on the wedge site.
Mica Blue 350i
The offset on my 350 is stamped on the wheel as ES 23. Offset is the distance from the centre of the wheel to the wheel mounting face onto the suspension. This is in the same plane as the drive shaft / axle. Now I think that my wheels are a positive offset as the mounting face is closer to the outside of the car but I can never remember which way round is positive.
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