Beep beep

Beep beep



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Sunday 15th September 2002
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I had ocassion to use my horn for the first time today. Although I had heard it before, I hadn't noticed how puny it sounds. I know TVR uses components from other cars, what is the horn from, a Robin Reliant?
Has anybody been bothered enough to upgrade the horn? Any suggestions?


36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 15th September 2002
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Full of crud?
My 350 had 2. Not sure about this one.


2,190 posts

280 months

Sunday 15th September 2002
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Mine sounds OK!
Perhaps you had two and one has given up the ghost.
Time for replacement / upgrade ?
the start of a long slippery slope....


1,223 posts

271 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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SOP - Buy new (used) car, replace OEM horns with air horns.


30,635 posts

295 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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I had ocassion to use my horn for the first time today. Although I had heard it before, I hadn't noticed how puny it sounds. I know TVR uses components from other cars, what is the horn from, a Robin Reliant?
Has anybody been bothered enough to upgrade the horn? Any suggestions?

Same here, don't use the horns that often (people always hear me approaching, for some reason ) but came to use them the other day and got a very feeble beep.

Yoinked them out and replaced with a pair of air horns, much more convincing noise now. The old horns that came off seemed to have stuff rattling round inside (gravel?) which may explain why they were knackered.

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)


46,645 posts

286 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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Alternatively your favourite car store beginning with the letter H will sell you two FIAMM horns (there is a set of a high and a low tone) which does a pretty good job...

... for best effect stick them on opposite sides of the car..!


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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I'd have thought that your driving style would best be served by a set that play 'Dixie' like the General Lee..... yeeeeehhaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Hmmm.... bags I first go with Daisy....



1,223 posts

271 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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And for just a bit more change, you can get

A must-have for every Trekker—especially when not traveling at warp speed! 6 powerful trumpets play the first 12 notes of the unmistakable Star Trek® theme."


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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And for just a bit more change, you can get

With my car performing as it is I should get a Steptoe and Son theme tune.


26,901 posts

276 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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Perhaps, after my recent brush with the law, I could get the theme from 'Police,Camera,Action'?!

Or maybe 'Crimewatch' or 'The Bill'....


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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My original 280 had one duff horn when I bought it- sound very naff (Fiesta like)


421 posts

274 months

Thursday 26th September 2002
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Ah, when I was a lad I fitted the 5 horn set up inder the lid on my Triumph Herald convertible. La cucaracha I think was the tune they played. It really pissed of the other occupants of the then girlfriend's street as I gave her early warning of my arrival...and they were legal in those days... Am I giving my age away?

Lee (Snowy)