Shine a light

Shine a light



Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Sunday 15th September 2002
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Dear Knowledgable co wedgers.

Problem on my 450 with ....... the pop up headlights !!

The drivers side pod will not come up when switching the lights on. Have checked all fuses these are ok. Have faffed around with relays, no aparent probs here. Have visually checked connections of wires around the motor from underneath.

The interesting thing that happened as I was raising the pod manually to have a look underneath, once the pod started to lift the left hand pod kept going up and down by itself as though possessed until the right hand pod was in its fully raised position, then it returned to its rest position. When lowering the right hand pod manually the left hand pod went mad again until the right pod was retracted.

Bearing in mind that:-

1 I am crap with electrics

2 I am crap with electrics

3 I am colour blind

4 see all above.

Can any one help me ( apart from an exorcist ).




36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 15th September 2002
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Tried wedge pages? Good descrption on there under maintenance.


26,902 posts

276 months

Monday 16th September 2002
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Hmmmm.... good one that!

(Consults notes)


(scratches head)


Right. If you can manually wind the pod all the way up and all the way down, its motor isn't running. Normally you only need to tweak the knob a bit and the motor kicks in and flips the pod up and back down again. Could be no earth to that motor. Check if you have 12V on the red/green wire to the motor, with respect to a decent earth (the battery '-' is a good place!), when the lights switch is on. If not, you've lost the feed from the RH pod relay for some reason. Maybe a diode out in the O/S pod motor.

If all else fails, disconnect the pod connector and inject 12V up the red/green and black/green wires. That should make the pod go up and down as long as the power is so applied.

For the other pod to do as you describe...
hang on....
wait for it....
still thinking.....
Nope, doesn't make any sense. Maybe TVR (or persons unknown!) have changed the wiring from the original configuration. Obviously it's getting a permanent 12V feed from somewhere; the only thing I can guess is that maybe one of the diodes in the O/S motor unit is shorted, allowing the N/S pod to get a feed the 'wrong' way.

(Serious think....)

Outside chance: you may have water in one or other of the pod connectors. This could cause the relays to pick up enough current from the 'wrong' wires and cause strange things to happen. Worth a try.



205 posts

277 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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After 12 months of trying I've finally managed to sort my Pods! (Check previous postings)

I would advise the following (I've listed easiest first)

1. Check fuse
2. Check Relay (swap over LHS and RHS to make sure working OK)
3. Remove Pod and check all wires
4. Remove motor and have tested by auto electrician.

Before carrying out any of the above buy the Bible!

Good luck.

PS. Before I owned a wedge I was an electrical numpty....after a while you NEED to become an expert.


Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Tuesday 17th September 2002
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Thanks for the help chaps, I knew you would come through. Will have a proper go at them this weekend and see what happens.

Must admit I preferred my old 280's wiring system, at least you knew it was always the black wire causing the problem !!!!!



Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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A lesson for us all here !!

After my original post on this topic, I have a confession to make. It was a fuse that had blown and all is well with my lights. Now then, where did I put those milk bottle bottoms to make some new glasses ??!!

I can't believe I over looked this, but in all fairness, the gap that had blown in the fuse was small !!

Anyway, I have stripped down both headlights, cleaned them up, and re-painted all the rusty metal bits, so once again something good has come from something bad !!!!



11,352 posts

275 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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see you at the weekend nigel?


Original Poster:

856 posts

293 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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Sorry Rich,

Cannot do any TVRing this weekend, have to visit my Bro's as he is getting married soon and my daughter is a bridesmaid getting her dress fitted. The only consolation is that he lives just round the corner from the TVR factory, will take spy photos etc.



PS is Marne Barracks on this year ?


354 posts

268 months

Monday 7th April 2003
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On the subject of pods. My left one pops back in no problem, the left one is 1cm lower!!! I look forward to fixing that. When I have the faintest idea what's causing it!