Idle screw on 400se hot wire

Idle screw on 400se hot wire



Original Poster:

15 posts

279 months

Saturday 14th September 2002
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The idle screw on the plenum chamber my 1991 400 hot wire is screwed down tight, I just wondered if this is correct or should it be turned out and if it should be out by how much approx

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 14th September 2002
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If its running ok leave it, it may appear to be shut but may still be allowing air to pass, they can seize at the bottom of the thread due to dirt etc.If its not running well you should ideally have the base idle reset, take it to a specialist or if you want to do it your self phone me 020 8715 3160, i'll go through it with you