O.Z. 5-star Split Rim Wheels

O.Z. 5-star Split Rim Wheels


shawn ford

Original Poster:

102 posts

282 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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Fellow PH'ers:

I have a 1990 450 SE that has the factory OZ 5-star split rim wheels. One of the wheels has a bit of curbing, and could use a bit or restoration. In the past, I have refinished aluminum wheels with great success. In looking at this particular OZ wheel, there are 30 10-point star-shaped fittings on each wheel. My question(s) is, has anyone taken these wheels apart? And, once you reassemble them, what would be a proper torque setting for each of the star fittings?

To me, the refinishing part is easy, I am more concerned about getting it back together properly.

Any suggestions would be most helpful.


Shawn Ford
450 SE


8,507 posts

283 months

Thursday 12th September 2002
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The fixings require a special tool which is like hen's teeth and without it the only other way forward is to drill them out and replace them.

There is also a seal that needs replacing - I used silicone - and did the bolts very tight. No problems now and that was a couple of years ago.

Tower View have the tools and can rebuild them.
