Hoods & Jargon

Hoods & Jargon



Original Poster:

233 posts

274 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Just been quoted over £700 (fitted) for a new hood for my 350i. The old one is tatty, all the seals are held on with gaffa tape and it leaks pretty bad.

A question of jargon - should a "new hood" include the hard roof bit to or just the back section with the window. Should it include the struts and the seals or are we just talking about the fabric.

Before I ring round sounding like a plank I would like to know what the normal deal is. Also has anyone out there fitted one themselves - what's involved, is it a "big job".

Finally can anyone suggest anywhere that might be cheaper - i want a good job but £700+ seems like a lot.

Cheers - awetrocketship that would like to be dry!

ps - yes to see "seals held on with gaffa tape" have a look in the shiny bits thread.......

>>> Edited by skyrocketship on Wednesday 11th September 16:18

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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Mine included re covering the targa (hard bit) but not the seals, which were extra.

It ended up about £700, but if you search the egroups mailing list there were people being quoted significantly less.

John Taylor, Larkfield, Kent Repairs soft tops, rear windows etc. (Tel: 01732 840653)

Lang & Potter phone number 01752 346346 >>

These are the ones I could find


PS Don't expect the new one be watertight!


1,165 posts

278 months

Wednesday 11th September 2002
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I think £500 should get you all the fabric replaced on the hard top and back window.
Wedge Automotive now RT Racing sell them for about this money but I think you may have to fit it yourself.