Can anyone recommend a good car cover company? The crappy weather is on its way and my 280 is likely to spend a lot of time outside this year, so I'm looking for a good quality outdoor cover, and don't mind spending a couple of hundred quid on one. Any ideas/experiences(good or bad)?
Try California Car Cover. I bought a "superweave". It's waterproof (for the first 6-7 mo the water beaded up and slid off like mercury!), breathes, and is quite compact off the car. The only problem is wrestling it on when my wedge is waxy (start witht the far side mirror or get help). They have the pattern filed under "1983 Tasmin" $259 USD. Grady
I got a review of the Leven cover on the Wedge site if that helps.
Under the Product Tests tab.
Under the Product Tests tab.
I made a cabin cover for my car using a 2 -layer construction of cloth supplied by a mate who works in a textile mill!
The outer layer is a new cloth that at the time was in testing by a USA company. It looks like grey denim but weighs next to nothing and dries very quickly - they intend(ed) to use it for outdoor clothing.
The inner layer is totally waterproof: in fact to test it they chuck a bucket of pig's giblets over it and then wash it.It has to withstand 10 cycles of that without staining or allowing any blood through. Why?
It's the stuff they make surgical gowns from.
By god does it keep the rain out! It dries in no time, doesn't mark the paint and, erm, I think I've missed a business oportunity here...!!
The outer layer is a new cloth that at the time was in testing by a USA company. It looks like grey denim but weighs next to nothing and dries very quickly - they intend(ed) to use it for outdoor clothing.
The inner layer is totally waterproof: in fact to test it they chuck a bucket of pig's giblets over it and then wash it.It has to withstand 10 cycles of that without staining or allowing any blood through. Why?
It's the stuff they make surgical gowns from.
By god does it keep the rain out! It dries in no time, doesn't mark the paint and, erm, I think I've missed a business oportunity here...!!
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