


Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Buggerin 'ell 40 today and whats my pressy to myself? 2 new SO3's. Whats bad about that? third set this year.
Ho Hum. Might get 9000 out of them this time.
Whats your tyre wear like?


12,659 posts

291 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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My sympathies, I turn 43 in November! Do not believe that life is downhill from 40 (even if it makes the car go faster).


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Last year the 520 consumed/destroyed/whatever 22 Bridgestone SO2s during 31 sprints , about 5 trackj/test days and around 7000 miles driving.

Does that make you feel better?



6,025 posts

294 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Last year the 520 consumed/destroyed/whatever 22 Bridgestone SO2s during 31 sprints , about 5 trackj/test days and around 7000 miles driving.

Does that make you feel better?


22 pairs ........ Holigan !!!!

Im touching the big 30 this year ... but in present company, I feel quite young !
Incidently, Ill be buying some nice new Falcon's for my 6th year of ownership of the wedge in January


2,190 posts

280 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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My last pair of rear SO2s lasted less than 3000 miles

Only layed rubber at Le Mans, but that was OK because the tyres were already on their last legs.

Dunno why they didn't last very long. It's not as though I drive that fast


3,757 posts

272 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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It's not as though I drive that fast

yeah right


1,068 posts

295 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Dunno why they didn't last very long. It's not as though I drive that fast

Yeh, and it's not like you didn't lay down 2 parallel humps of rubber down on the way out of 'Pie on the Beach'.


Original Poster:

36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Ah well, new front shoes didn't arrive today, so due to a trip to Cornwal (Festa) and work, another couple of weeks.
Looks like sprinting aint cheap.
On the up side had a flying lesson for me birfday and a cracking meal at my fav eating establishment and an off road day TBA. 40 aint that bad