


Original Poster:

1,474 posts

279 months

Sunday 8th September 2002
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I want to replace my camshaft in my 400se which has done 80000 miles, just had the heads, rockers rebuilt by rpi engineering and due to the mileage thought might as well fit a new cam but i dont know which type. Car is standard no mods planned. Any advice?


26,901 posts

276 months

Sunday 8th September 2002
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Got an RPI RP1 in my 390, seems OK to me, but I haven't anything to compare it with!
Marcus Brady said of my engine:
"Eeeeee, tha's the smoothest V8 oi've ever heard: sounds loike a f***ing gaaaas turboine".

Whatever that means.... ;-)

(Sorry Marcus!!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 9th September 2002
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I've also got an RP1 in my 350, but I heard they were no longer available - there is a definate shove in the back over 3,000 revs


805 posts

277 months

Monday 9th September 2002
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Can any one tell me approx how much it would cost inc fitting to have one of these put in inc everything else it is best to replace at the same time.


8,507 posts

283 months

Tuesday 10th September 2002
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Definitely recommend replacing the rockers, lifters as well as the cam. Check the push rods just in case. I had steel rockers fitted as the original alloy ones had cracked and I used a Crane Hybrid 218 cam from Tower View. Griff 500 BTW

Budget £300 for bits and get some quotes. Make sure they set up the pre-load.
