Alternator Wiring Question

Alternator Wiring Question



Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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This is not really specifically a wedge question but hope someone here may know the answer.
My old alternator on the Tasmin 200 with Pinto engine had three wires: 1- to Battery/Alternator light (D+) 2- Brown wire to Battery (B+) 3-Brown wire to inside car,fuse box possibly (B+)
The new alternator only seems to have two connections one for the Battery/Alternator light (D+) and one for the Battery (B+).
These are post type connections, rather than spade type on the original alternator.
So the question is how do I connect this up, is it OK to put both Brown wires to the B+ connector??


26,901 posts

276 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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I think this is something to do with 'machine-sensed' and 'battery-sensed' charge systems. One needs the extra wire to be connected to a point remote from the battery so it can sense the voltage drop in the system and hence decide how much charge current to generate.
So yes, you should be able to just put both browns to the same alternator terminal.
Usual get-out clauses apply...



33 posts

279 months

Sunday 8th September 2002
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Had exactly the same problem when putting my old Westfield together. Both brown wires do indeed go to B+ connector and the thin wire (which I think is normally brown and yellow) goes to D+. This worked fine on my car for about 2 years until I sold it so I'm reasonably confident. Hope this helps.


Original Poster:

1,165 posts

278 months

Sunday 8th September 2002
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Ian/Steve, thanks for the info.