London and South East meet ?

London and South East meet ?



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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The last time I saw another wedge on the road was April
(it had broken down on the M4). I would be interested in meeting some fellow wedge owners before the end of the summer for mutual comfort and solace. I was going to suggest meeting in a pub in/near Watford ?
Anyone interested ?


117 posts

283 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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You should to the Basingstoke PHer's Pie on the BEach this Sunday (see thread below) There'l be quite a few Wedges, and usually loads of Griffs and Cerbies.

But, if you organise something, I'll turn up.. I'm central London.


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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Mine will be back on the road in October.. new rubber, new stainless manifolds, new interior booked but might not be ready, new roll bar.
Will probably be up for a meet sometime after mid October.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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Count me in - I work in Watford.



115 posts

270 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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sounds good when though?


44 posts

271 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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I'll be around after the 16/9. Watford's no problem.


629 posts

278 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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Sounds good, I see lots of other Tivs (Wycombe, Maidenhead area) but not many wedges. I'd be up for that.



629 posts

278 months

Thursday 3rd October 2002
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Thought I'd just bring this up to the front again. Anyone still up for this. How about meeting in Watford and then linking up with the Virginia Waters meet on the 20th off Oct. I'm sure a few wedge's rumbling up should create quite a stir. We need to show the Ferrari boys what a proper car sounds like.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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20th ok for me



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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How many of us can meet 20th October ?


421 posts

274 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Watford? Why would anyone possibly want to go to Watford? Rickmansworth sound a more TVR spot, or what about Denham Airfield?
Anyway, I could be up for it. Mine is running, well it started up OK yesterday, so I presume it will manage a trip south...
More info please when available. (Not too early though, I'm crap at getting out of bed!)



629 posts

278 months

Friday 4th October 2002
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Ok, any ideas for a better location than Watford then. I can fiqure out a route once we've got a meeting point if everyone wants? Meeting time at VW is about 11ish I think, so depending on meeting point I would guess we need to meet up at about 10am.


>> Edited by Gavinr on Friday 4th October 18:51


115 posts

270 months

Saturday 5th October 2002
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sounds good will see you at vw.


44 posts

271 months

Saturday 5th October 2002
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Hi guys - count me in for the 20th too. Drop me an email at when you've decided.



421 posts

274 months

Monday 7th October 2002
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How about two meet ups? 1st at South Mimms Services at the A1(M)/M25 Junction 23, the round to J16 onto A412 towards Slough and there is the Crooked Billet pub at Iver Heath that has a big car park. We could then cut through to the M4 at Langley and back onto the M25, or cut out Windsor way and through from there. Wound be rather cool to have a load od TVR Wedgies throbbing up the hill past Windsor Castle...



629 posts

278 months

Wednesday 9th October 2002
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Ok, the South Mims meet sounds like a good idea. Last time I went there we all met up to go to Chatsworth, which was a really good drive (apart from the rain). Shall we just meet up there? I'll go round the M25 from the M40 so if anyone wants to meet up before hand on the way that would be cool.
See you all there.



421 posts

274 months

Thursday 10th October 2002
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Listen up, here's what's happening. 2 places to link up, before getting to Virginia Water:9.30am Rear of car park at South Mimms Services, junction of A1(M) and M25.

then on to catch anyone else at the Crooked Billet Pub car park at Iver Heath on the A412, it's right on the roundabout, at about 10.30am.

If it's crap weather, I suggest a cancellation?



44 posts

271 months

Thursday 10th October 2002
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Roger that - 0930 South Mimms on the 20th. See y'all there.



122 posts

283 months

Friday 18th October 2002
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Hi All
Just the meet at South Mimms 9.30 Sunday still on??????


421 posts

274 months

Saturday 19th October 2002
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Looking at the weather forecast, there is no way that I'm going now. So if you are at South Mimms, I will be thinking of you snug, warm and dry, in bed!
There is always the spring....