OZ racing 400se wheel decals

OZ racing 400se wheel decals



Original Poster:

64 posts

179 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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Hi Guys

Anyone out there know where I can get proper OZ Racing wheel decals for the wedge. I have purchased some online but they just don't look correct/wrong font etc.




2,739 posts

209 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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These are the big ones, never seen any for sale though

Spotted these smaller ones though , used on the 15" me thinks? Same font by the looks of it


wedged up

353 posts

103 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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No not seen them for sale , but I'm going to get some made . I know a guy whom owns a printing company & he says he can do it !

wedged up

353 posts

103 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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No not seen them for sale , but I'm going to get some made . I know a guy whom owns a printing company & he says he can do it !

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Saturday 15th April 2017
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Do you mean the black "OZ Racing" transfer that goes on the rims?


Original Poster:

64 posts

179 months

Sunday 16th April 2017
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Hi Adam

Yes the black rim decals ? any idea where to get the correct ones




2,501 posts

292 months

Sunday 12th January
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gmw9666 said:
Spotted these smaller ones though , used on the 15" me thinks? Same font by the looks of it
Just a bit of thread resurrection, has anyone found the ones shown here as the Ebay link no longer valid

I'll get some made if necessary but just wondered if anyone knew an Ebayer or someone else selling them

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

251 months

Tuesday 14th January
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I think I have some spare, but, I wonder where they are.


17,305 posts

192 months

Tuesday 14th January
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These guys are very good for low volume good quality decals and very reasonable prices:



2,501 posts

292 months

Wednesday 15th January
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adam quantrill said:
I think I have some spare, but, I wonder where they are.
Fingers crossed you recall where you've put them :-)

phillpot said:
These guys are very good for low volume good quality decals and very reasonable prices:
Thank you


8,407 posts

247 months

Saturday 18th January
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Had a set of these off Neil Wilson on Faceplant.