Can anyone tell me what white my '90 350i is ?

Can anyone tell me what white my '90 350i is ?



Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2002
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I have some stone chip damage on the front spoiler.
Can anyone advise what white colour it is ? the paint code is KV54. I heard it could be Artic White but from what manufacturer ?
Thanks Keith

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2002
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Arctic white was used, ICI if i remember correctly, i may have some in the workshop somewhere, if i have its yours.i'll check tommorow.


1,763 posts

276 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2002
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Try the factory, they're quite helpful (if busy!)


1,165 posts

278 months

Wednesday 4th September 2002
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You could have some made up from a good paint supplier. It may be a better way to go. Even if you find the right colour yours may have faded over the years.
I have a white 83 Tasmin 200. I tried to match up some of the white cans off the shelf. Tried about half a dozen and the nearest I could find was 'Toyota Supra White', but this was far from perfect.

roy c

4,195 posts

295 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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KV54 is ICI Arctic White


Original Poster:

42 posts

272 months

Thursday 5th September 2002
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Thanks guys, I went to a auto's paint supplier who mixed KV54 up in two 400 ml aerosols cost £16.00 and was 100% match.
Cheers Keith