HELP, anyone have a wiring diagram for a 280i

HELP, anyone have a wiring diagram for a 280i



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Friday 30th August 2002
quotequote all
i need a wiring diagram qucik, so the repair man can finish my car

thank you
mike kenney

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Friday 30th August 2002
quotequote all
I might have the one you are looking for - is it too late?



Original Poster:

86 posts

279 months

Friday 30th August 2002
quotequote all
if you have a websit or something that can be scanned it would be great


117 posts

283 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
quotequote all
I can help if you still need one.. have to let me know today though, as it's at home.

Email me..