Pinking at high speed.

Pinking at high speed.



Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Thursday 29th August 2002
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Latest quirk in driving my recently aquired '87 350i is that it pinks at speeds over 70mph. There is no sign of it at all at lowers speeds, even when accelerating in a high gear. Any suggestions before I pay the nice TVR wallet draining man to sort it? Oh yes it pops a bit on over run, but so did my old S.2.


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 29th August 2002
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Too hot, wrong petrol, wrong plugs, wrong timing, faulty distributor?


44 posts

271 months

Friday 30th August 2002
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Do what I do - drive with your fans running constantly even from start-up. Cured my persistant pinking, kept the temp at a contstant and very healthy 80c and added more smiles on my many journeys.

david beer

3,982 posts

278 months

Friday 30th August 2002
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A lower cut in for the fan is easy, an adjustable one as well.


Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
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My "know it all" mate, Nigel popped in to have a gloat of Friday to see what I had been doing and, immediately said that I should have a connector or the top of the fuel injection unit. He rumaged in the loom, pulled out a wire with missing connector attached. Said it was for cold starting...but it's not pinking either, though it still feels a bit rough at speed. Nigel also rambled on about changing the settings in the air metering unit and fuel pressures... Anyway, it's going to have a proper TVR 48K service, so at least it should be set up as it should be, rather than have the likes of Nigel having fiddled!
Watch this space!


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
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It is not that uncommon to disconnet the cold start injector. It should only run for a few seconds when the engine is very cold anyway.



Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
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Well, my one is on... I will see what reports I get when it has its 48K service...


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 2nd September 2002
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Mine is on also - it wan't doing anything when I first got the car due to a faulty thermotime switch.


Mark Adams

356 posts

271 months

Tuesday 3rd September 2002
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For years I have routinely disconnected cold start injectors! They only operate under the following conditions:

1) engine cranking
2) has been cranking for less than 12 seconds
3) coolant temperature under 30 degrees centigrade

In the time that they operate they can fill a jam jar with petrol, and contribute very little to starting if the temperature is above -20 degrees centigrade.

There is some more information on pinking in the thread "Dreaming of 8 degrees".


Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Tuesday 24th September 2002
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Well, it's had it's 48,000 service, and it's not pinking's hunting instead! Anyway Mr TVR mender man is taking a look at computer thingies and air boxes... Watch this space.


Original Poster:

421 posts

274 months

Monday 7th October 2002
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Problem pretty much solved. Mr TVR mender man has played with the electronic stuff, changed a vac pipe and it's running well now.
I think the problem has been caused by fiddlers over a period of time.
