scale models of wedges particularly 400SE

scale models of wedges particularly 400SE



Original Poster:

7 posts

292 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
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Does anyone have or know where I can get a scale mdel of my 400SE wedge? Sounds a bit sad I know but I've got a model of all my previous cars but not this one. Any ideas?

nick heppinstall

8,363 posts

291 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
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Does anyone have or know where I can get a scale mdel of my 400SE wedge? Sounds a bit sad I know but I've got a model of all my previous cars but not this one. Any ideas?

As far as I know no 400se models exist. I assume you mean of the 1/18th scale Burago ilk. Be nice if anyone knows differently ?


44 posts

271 months

Friday 30th August 2002
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Agreed, never seen any TVR models for sale full stop although I once heard there was a Griff in kit form on the market many moons ago


19,928 posts

277 months

Friday 30th August 2002
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I was in a model shop in Manchester and asked the guy if there were any TVR models. Apparently, TVR (Peter Wheeler?) will not give anyone the rights to make them apart from the Purple Speed 12's you see !


36,010 posts

295 months

Saturday 31st August 2002
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Sure I saw a Wedge (350 ish?) on the portable club at a few events?


4,476 posts

295 months

Sunday 1st September 2002
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To my knowledge the following TVR models have been produced:-

Vixen S2
1/32 Pewter Like limited to 100 sold through TVRCC

1/43 Mik'n'sue - now discontinued
1/43 RAE (available kit and built)
1/32 Pewter Like limited to 100 sold through TVRCC
1/32 Car built on Scalextric Chassis (2 made???)

1/32 Pewter Like limited to 100 sold through TVRCC
1/32 Pewter Like limited to 100 sold through TVRCC

1/32 Pewter Like limited to 100 sold through TVRCC

Tuscan Racer
1/32 Car built on Scalextric Chassis built for TVRCC event (about 12 made???)

1/43 Originally Bulldog models then re-released through SMTS

1/43 SMTS model (kit or built)
1/43 yellow car limited to 50 (James Croft???)
1/43ish car sold through TVR Factory

1/43 SMTS model (kit or built)
1/43ish car sold through TVR Factory

1/43 SMTS model (kit or built)
1/43 model of Rollcentre Racecar (see TVRCC web-site for detail

Speed 12
1/18 Mattel Speed 12
1/43 Racecar from SMTS
1/32 numerous Scalextric Cars

Anyone care to add any more???



19,928 posts

277 months

Sunday 1st September 2002
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I'll shut up then !