Cheshire Classics Show

Cheshire Classics Show


taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
quotequote all
Anyone going to Cholmondley Castle on Sunday?


19,928 posts

277 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
quotequote all
Whats on Taz ?

taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
quotequote all
30 Clubs, 900 cars, biggest event in the North West. Not sure if TVRCC will be there, setting is fantastic I usually send the missus off round the Castle gardens while I talk shop. Would be a good venue for a meet?


1,306 posts

271 months

Wednesday 28th August 2002
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Looks like my first reply did not get posted.
I live in Staffs.
Can you tell me what time it all kicks off etc.

taz 24

Original Poster:

62 posts

278 months

Thursday 29th August 2002
quotequote all
10 am, £5 entry. Its on the A49 between Whitchurch and Malpas. The official advert is on pg35 ' Classic Car Weekly'.