Where's my Wedges now

Where's my Wedges now



Original Poster:

526 posts

187 months

Monday 26th September 2016
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Anyone now got me old green 400 SE H76FLX. It went to Holland but I believe it's back in Blighty.
Or me old black 390SE UBZ3905. Went to Australia but I've not heard much since it arrived in Perth Oz..




26,898 posts

275 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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Can't help, but in the spirit of 'where are they now?', has anyone seen MIL 2608? Rolls-Royce Ivory 350i that used to be Neil (dexy's) car. I think it went to Cumbria and DVLA says it's been SORNed since 2013. Be a shame if it's decomposing in a barn as it was a tidy car.


932 posts

214 months

Tuesday 4th October 2016
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Wedg1e said:
Can't help, but in the spirit of 'where are they now?', has anyone seen MIL 2608? Rolls-Royce Ivory 350i that used to be Neil (dexy's) car. I think it went to Cumbria and DVLA says it's been SORNed since 2013. Be a shame if it's decomposing in a barn as it was a tidy car.
I've always kept my ears pricked for what happened to my 350 Dhc, this is the first time that I've heard the colour mentioned and the fact that the plate is a NI plate might tie up with why I couldn't find it from my own reg. C89 ULL

Do you have any more info/pics? - thnx

P.a sorry OP don't mean to hijack your post smile


26,898 posts

275 months

Tuesday 4th October 2016
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This one?

Taken at the very first BBWF, seen here:



932 posts

214 months

Wednesday 5th October 2016
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Thank you Wedgie, regretfully not mine frown

Certainly the same colour but mine was the earlier 350 with twin pipes, one left and one right.

Appreciate the pic


40 posts

67 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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this one? Currently owned by a friend of mine and in Holland

adam quantrill

11,584 posts

252 months

Thursday 23rd December 2021
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Is that chap Corno (or to me "Cornholio" :-) ?


5 posts

39 months

Friday 31st December 2021
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On the same note I would love to hear from anyone with any information on my project

C104ULL She started life as a Red 350i but now has a gold body with a Rover 3500 v8 Holley carb conversion I'm just trying to get her back got the light pods back working washer unit back on with a Tuscan style wiper arm mounted washer long road ahead but will keep trying

Anyway any news or info greatly appreciate


1,902 posts

185 months

Sunday 2nd January 2022
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Petetvr350 said:

On the same note I would love to hear from anyone with any information on my project

C104ULL She started life as a Red 350i but now has a gold body with a Rover 3500 v8 Holley carb conversion I'm just trying to get her back got the light pods back working washer unit back on with a Tuscan style wiper arm mounted washer long road ahead but will keep trying

Anyway any news or info greatly appreciate
How do you like the carb conversion ?


26,255 posts

268 months

Monday 3rd January 2022
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adam quantrill said:
Is that chap Corno (or to me "Cornholio" :-) ?
Hi Adam, yes that's Corno - PH name "gun metal" King pf The Rijn but don't tell Cantus I said that rofl


5 posts

39 months

Thursday 6th January 2022
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Early days still working on many other elements of the car but I have to say its a much more basic raw approach "old school" the rover V8 is such a good strong engine and the inlet conversion works well with the 4 barrel holley

On the whole yep happy so far