Tasmin 200 Fixed Head Coupe's - Any more left?

Tasmin 200 Fixed Head Coupe's - Any more left?



Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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Ever since I bought my 200 Fixed Head Coupe in 2009 I’ve been kept an eye out for others of the same type.

Over the years I managed to put pictures to 8 of them. That’s 50% of the production.

Does anyone have details of any other 200 Coupe’s not listed here?

BMX278Y Not Taxed since October 1996

A420JKP Not Taxed since May 2012

FCC38Y – Exported to Germany

ULC915X – No details on DVLA website


TVP919Y – SORNED since 2012. Has 4.0 V8 Conversion

AFX853Y – SORNED Has 2.8 V6 Conversion

Racing Car – A599KFV Has 2.9 V6 Conversion

Edited by Tasmin200 on Wednesday 1st February 17:03

Edited by Tasmin200 on Wednesday 1st February 17:05


6,553 posts

222 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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I don't know if mine (the racer) started out as a 2.0 or a 2.8 still trying to find more info about it when it was a car.


Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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I didn't know it was yours! It definitely got a 200 body. Does it have two sets of engine mounts?


6,553 posts

222 months

Monday 12th September 2016
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Tasmin200 said:
I didn't know it was yours! It definitely got a 200 body. Does it have two sets of engine mounts?
not the racer above, this one. also the guy before me had a 2.0 cosworth turbo engine, so it had custom mounts.


Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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Your black Fixed head looks like a 280 as it has twin fuel fillers. I take it you don't have a chassis number for it?


10,677 posts

234 months

Wednesday 14th September 2016
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919Y is for sale over on FB at the moment.


6,553 posts

222 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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Tasmin200 said:
Your black Fixed head looks like a 280 as it has twin fuel fillers. I take it you don't have a chassis number for it?
No Chassis number I can find frown

so if it has twin fuel fillers then it was a 280, nice to know.


1,512 posts

151 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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Not sure that is always true. My 280i has only one fuel filler.



Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Thursday 15th September 2016
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Series 2 FHC shells have a single filler Marcus, all the Series 1's have twin fillers except the 200 which is odd.


16,370 posts

293 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2021
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TVRleigh_BBWR said:
not the racer above, this one. also the guy before me had a 2.0 cosworth turbo engine, so it had custom mounts.
Kev's car was a 280i originally , then modded to yb turbo, then the v8 you put in it


Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Tuesday 23rd February 2021
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I had totally forgotten about this thread I started. Since 2016 another two cars have emerged.

PMA784Y Sorned

FEY717Y Sorned

Both being restored.

That's 10 cars out of 16 accounted for. The internet is a great thing.

Edited by Tasmin200 on Wednesday 1st February 17:57


Original Poster:

1,315 posts

196 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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Another one popped up on eBay last week. Unknown Chassis or reg but it's definitely a 200 (single petrol flapped body and double engine mount uprights in engine bay)


783 posts

46 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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Great detective work smile


4,214 posts

80 months

Wednesday 1st February 2023
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Richard Thorpe, (RidgeRacer off of here), bought a 200 FHC shortly before he moved from Bailey Street to RT Racings new place near Chrystal Peaks. I’ve no idea whatever happened to it? I’m guessing he sold it shortly before he did his final trip to America.

In fact I’ve no idea what happened to a lot of his toys once he’d passed away, except his motorbike he had over in the States.

From what I recall, it wasn’t one of the ones pictured in this thread.