Spidering on fibreglass

Spidering on fibreglass



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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Anybody know of any tricks to polish up / treat dull looking body panels? I've tried the coloured Turtle wax but it's rubbish.


30,632 posts

295 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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Anybody know of any tricks to polish up / treat dull looking body panels? I've tried the coloured Turtle wax but it's rubbish.

T-cut (relatively harsh) or a milder polishing compound? Just enough to take off the outer layer of oxidised paint, you then need to re-apply wax polish over that area.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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I would use T-cut on metallic paint - you don't say what colour?



Original Poster:

117 posts

283 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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Don't knoiw what the exact TVR colour code is but it's a cyan / sky blue colour. Non metalic.


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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Doesn't auto glym do a mild cutting polish?


996 posts

294 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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How about MER?, neat. the advice for using this as a polish is to apply with a damp cloth, but I've found if used neat it's a good colour restorer without using things as harsh as T-cut.

But it depends on how much you paint has faded, as Peter (Green V8) said, T-cut is good but quite harsh (though you may need it)

