Removing fuel tanks impossible?

Removing fuel tanks impossible?



Original Poster:

1,820 posts

272 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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I'm in the process of replacing all fuel piping on my 350i. Had the idea of removing the fuel tanks in the process, and to give them an anti-corrosive treatment. But I can't remove the tanks, although fully disconnected.
I would like to know if it is really impossible without removing any other bits, or if it is just me being a wedge owner for less than a year.



1,196 posts

274 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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Doing a similar job on my 400 at the moment, I rubbed down and painted the tanks in situ by draining them completly and removing one strap at a time, the tanks were not badly corroded and after 4 coats of smooth hammerite you can see your reflection in them! Im also waiting for my new swirl pot to arrive, nice polished alloy one at a good price, if its up to scratch and anyone else is interested ill put a picture on and some details of where to get one made.


36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 20th August 2002
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I took the suspension off the pass side S1 to get it out for repair. Not sure about later cars. Wasn't there an article in sprint about cutting a section of parcel shelf away to swivel the tank to remove it? Checked the bible?

>> Edited by jmorgan on Tuesday 20th August 23:29


61 posts

275 months

Wednesday 21st August 2002
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I have removed the off side tank on my series 2 by removing the rear suspension / drive shaft and cutting out a piece of the parcel shelf. My tank was leaking along the top out side eadge which was only accessable when removed. Its a slow and painful but not a difficult job, just a typicle wedge one !!


Original Poster:

1,820 posts

272 months

Thursday 22nd August 2002
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Painted the tanks while they stayed under the car. Not to difficult. The tanks had no leaks, and now I hope they will never leak in the future (after 3 coats of hammerite).
Thanks for the tips.

Now only to get them back in place and connect all new hoses. Hopefully without too much trouble.
