Air Flow and Flaps

Air Flow and Flaps


Brm Brm

Original Poster:

217 posts

285 months

Sunday 18th August 2002
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One for all you technical gurus...

A friend of mine recently passed me some literature from a company called AJ6 engineering who are apparently well thought of in Jaguar circles. Reading their literature I was interested to note that they claim they can obtain a significant power increase (20-30bhp ish) by fitting a weaker spring to the air flow meter flap then re-mapping the ECU. Having a Jaguar airflow meter on my SEAC (2 Sheds pse tell me if I've got my wires crossed) this obviously sounds interesting and as a similar mechnaism is, as far as I'm aware, used in the air flow meters on other pre-hotwire wedges I would be fascinated to hear whether this is a credible claim. And if so, how does it work? Or have I got completely the wrong end of the stick here???
Anyone got any thoughts - or has anyone done this???

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Sunday 18th August 2002
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Yes BrmBrm yours has the Jag meter, it has a spring tension adjustment facility, so not sure why they would need to change the spring. also modifying the ECU is expensive, over £300 !,yours has been done buy the way. I assume that the Jaguar has a very different fuelling system ?


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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You can get this by fitting a bigger air flow meter, bigger injectors and plenum and then re-chipping. Did it to the 390. for the before and after power curves in the engine upgrade section.
