fan belt for 85' 350i

fan belt for 85' 350i


paul dacosta

Original Poster:

22 posts

274 months

Saturday 17th August 2002
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help!i need a spare fan belt for my 85'350i non power steering, for my journey to the alps,may not need it but you never know.Not sure which one to buy,please help. thanx

2 Sheds

2,529 posts

295 months

Saturday 17th August 2002
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Take measurement and purchase from any good autofactor, theres nothing unusual about the belt.

paul dacosta

Original Poster:

22 posts

274 months

Sunday 18th August 2002
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i,ll get my tape measure out and zoom to halfords.cheers

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Sunday 18th August 2002
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My 350i came with a used fan belt in a Unipart packet with part number GCB 51118. Rover ERC 5836 is printed on the the belt itself.

I suppose I should actually check it is the correct one for the car, as I have been carrying it around in the boot for the last 3 years!

Let me know if you can confirm it is correct



36,010 posts

295 months

Sunday 18th August 2002
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Last time I needed one, I took it to the shop. Match that please etc.


8,507 posts

283 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Let me know if you can confirm it is correct

I reckon it's about a 1 in 50 chance of being right as their are some 50 or so different fan belts allocated to the Rover V8 in its various forms.... It might fit the other Wedge but not the other so Danny, go check. BTW been there done that, got the wrong one. Cursed and through the T-shirt away!

Matching is best. There may be a code on the belt (if it hasn't worn off) which will usually give the lenghth and width and makes the job a whole lot easier.


paul dacosta

Original Poster:

22 posts

274 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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i checked mine and it was ERC5836,but these numbers are no longer in use,so just measured it.10mm wide 114mm long,price £1.95 at my local factor!

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 19th August 2002
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Cheers Paul / Steve - well at least there is a 1 in 50 chance of my spare being the correct one!
