Top 10 things that...

Top 10 things that...



Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all wedge owner should travel without.
My first experience of driving my 350i last weekend made me realise that there are somethings I should always have with me. I'm sure you all have been in a stuation where you wish you had something with you, that would have bailed you out. I know there isn't much boot space, so what should I carry? Here is what I should have had last weekend, feel free to add top my list.
A length of hose (for the cooling system)
A screwdriver
A knife (or beefy scissors)
Assorted jubilee clips
...anything else?



805 posts

277 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all
Sounds like you could do with putting a mechanic in there as well to save you getting dirty hands.
If you get a small bendy one it should fit if you loose the spare wheel.

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all
throttle cable, fuses, tape (well you can't carry every hose!) AND MOBILE PHONE!!



513 posts

295 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all
May be a bit OTT .. but you can pick and choose from the huuuuge list that Steve Heath posted on the TVRCC mail list a while back:

The 520 carries the following in the boot when sprinting/track daying

1 of 2 ton trolley jack
2 folding axle stands
10 litre fuel can
1 Laptop for reprogramming ECU/traction control and scaring myself
silly watching the data logging. Can be used in emergency to transfer
funds to Tower View's bank account.
2 cans of tyreweld.
1 Electric air pump.
2 tyre pressure gauges.
Set of competition numbers.
1 Set of open/ring spanners (metric)
1 set of offset ring spanners.
1 set of flare nut spanners.
3 sets of adjustable spanners (7 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch)
2 sets 3/8 inch sockets with wrench + extensions..
1 set 1/4 inch sockets with wrench + extensions.
1 set of pliers.
Set of Allen keys.
Set of screwdrivers.
3 mole grips (different sizes… grips not black furry creatures. ).
2 hammers (including one universal version that does anything else if
you use it with enough force…)
4 litres of Kendal's 20W50 oil.
2 litres of premixed antifreeze solution.
1 litre DOT 5.1 brake fluid with bleeding kit.
1 brake pipe flaring tool.
20 feet copper brake pipe with male and female fittings.
Big block of wood.
2 timing struts.
1 multimeter.
Box of fuses.
Box of electrical connectors.
2 reels of cable.
Box of hose clips.
Spare set of spark plugs.
Replacement petrol hose and water hose.
Pipe joiners/hose repairers..
Bags of cable ties.
Spare front, rear and handbrake pads.
Gas soldering torch with solder.
Rediator anti leak additive.
Radiator leak sealent epoxy.
Araldite and Epoxy metal.
Two boxes of nuts, washers and bolts (various).
Spare set of rear suspension bolts and bushes.
Can of WD40.
Can of brake dust cleaner.
Bottle of ATF220 fluid.
Selection of spare switches.
Spare fan belt.
Various car polish and racks.
Four towels.
Set of jump leads.
Track day silencer insert plus mounting clamps.
Spare exhaust clamps.
Spare accelerator cable.
Numerous rolls of electricians tape and self-amalgamating tape.
2 off 10 x 12 foot tarpaulins.
1 off 20 x 18 tarpaulin.
Foam kneeling pad.
Bag of rags.
Spare battery cut out switch and keys.
Spare relays.
Spare bits of ally and very large repair washers.
Steering column U/Js.
Folding plastic box to store all the loose items once taken out of
the boot.
Torch and…

At least five rolls of gaffa tape!

There is then room for my crash hat, Nomex romper suit and a cool bag
full of drinks and sandwiches.



36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all
I have 2 bottles of water, a jack, spare and a bottle of tyre inflate although I now understand after something Nacnud said that 1 is not enough.
I leave my paranoia at home and use breakdown if needed.
In the 350 I had 2 adjustable, pliers and a screwdriver kit. For long jouneys add axle stand.

>> Edited by jmorgan on Wednesday 14th August 22:51


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all

May be a bit OTT .. but you can pick and choose from the huuuuge list that Steve Heath posted on the TVRCC mail list a while back:

The 520 carries the following in the boot when sprinting/track daying

Helpful, but I can't help thinking you may have missed the top ten bit.
OK then Steve if you're out there. If that list was reduced to ten things what would they be?


Original Poster:

111 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all

I leave my paranoia at home and use breakdown if needed.

I'm only trying to keep my AA call-outs to a minimum because after the last couple of call-outs I told them I was getting a new car. Then I bought a 16 year old wedge


36,010 posts

295 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all
I had an 83 wedge and kept on top of it. Never called out for it but get your point hence I edited to reflect what I carried in it, missed the rad weld. I understand that after a few call outs they get miffed?


20,854 posts

286 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
quotequote all

The 520 carries the following in the boot when sprinting/track daying

You know I think that 520 could go quite fast if only.........


12,659 posts

291 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
quotequote all

The 520 carries the following in the boot when sprinting/track daying

Blimey, I think the 520 must be a TARDIS to get all that in!


117 posts

283 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
quotequote all
Don't forget the obligatory piece of wood (4cm x 2cm x 45cm) to prop up the window panes, when the window motor breaks.. and a bilge pump, incase it rains.

>> Edited by jonknight on Thursday 15th August 09:48


8,507 posts

283 months

Friday 16th August 2002
quotequote all

Helpful, but I can't help thinking you may have missed the top ten bit.
OK then Steve if you're out there. If that list was reduced to ten things what would they be?

Gaffa tape, cable ties, bits of wire, fuses, electrical connection blocks. Fan belt. Couple cans of tyre weld. Litre of oil. Jump leads. Tyre pump to use with tyre weld. Spare pads... amd most important of all, the appropriate tools to fit said spares. Nothing more frustrating that having the spare but no 7/139 bi-hex offset flare nut spanner to do the 2 minute job.


>> Edited by shpub on Friday 16th August 16:45