Track rod ball joint for 280

Track rod ball joint for 280



Original Poster:

80 posts

272 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
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Does anyone know if a Mark 2 Granny track rod ball joint will fit my 280i? If not, what car does it come from?


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Wednesday 14th August 2002
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I thought it was of a Mk 4 Cortina, although this may be the same as the Granny. If you take it along to any decent motor factor they will be able to match it up for you. Otherwise I got my replacement from Richard at Wedge Automotive



117 posts

283 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
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The upper and lower ball joints are apparently off a MkIV Cortina, (Unipart numbers GSJ122 AND GSJ123).

Check out

Really useful little site!


3,799 posts

290 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
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I've fitted Mk2 granny joints to mine, the drawback was I had to elongate the 2 small holes in the wishbone slightly to get them to fit. However they are a beefier joint and after I snapped one off ! I was interested in improving this aspect. I also had the geometry checked before and after this mod and there was no change to camber or castor.
