labour costs

labour costs


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Monday 12th August 2002
quotequote all
I've been quoted three hours to fit the rear inboard brake pads in my 280.

Does this sound accurate/reasonable?

The brake specialists say they have done one before and it was a pig..


danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Monday 12th August 2002
quotequote all
I would say 3 hours is about right - and that's assuming there are no problems with seized nits/bolts etc.

You have to remove the hub carrier mounts (lower bolt) to swing the driveshaft away (I presume you are pre A frame), remove the calipers (mounting bolts were wired on in my 280) and then once the driveshaft nuts are removed you can change the disks.

It might be a good time to check those UJs as well



36,010 posts

295 months

Tuesday 13th August 2002
quotequote all
You mean pads not disks?

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Tuesday 13th August 2002
quotequote all
Oops sorry I didn't read the original mail properly.

Rear pads should be 30 mins tops IMHO


Toby Noble

Original Poster:

107 posts

277 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
quotequote all
Yep, definitely mean pads not discs.Am I right in assuming there's nothing too taxing about the fronts?

Also, can anyone who has it tell me how much of Steve's Wedge Bible applies to 280's?

Many thanks

danny hoffman

1,617 posts

273 months

Thursday 15th August 2002
quotequote all
Fronts are very easy, the same as any Ford Cortina/Granada.

Steve's book is pretty well split between the V6 & V8 models. To be honest for the engine related bits you would be better off with the relavent Haynes manual - it's the TVR specials.....
